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Football News: Is the zip to blame for Arsenal's troubles

Is the zip to blame for Arsenal's troubles
Image from: edp24.co.uk

The one thing I have noticed in recent years is how Arsenal always struggle when the weather gets colder. Most people attribute this to the players being too soft and not liking the cold, but I have a different theory to present to you. My theory is the zip. Yes, you read that right, the zip is to blame.

As soon as the weather starts to get chilly, out comes the big coat, we all know the one, that is more like a dress than a coat. Each year we are treated to the slapstick comedy routine of Arsene Wenger trying to do up said coat. Each year we are treated to hours of him being unable to complete this simple task.

It has left me wondering if the zip is responsible for all Arsenal's ills. Is Wenger so distracted fiddling with his zip that he is not even watching the game to see what is going on? Does it explain why he never sees any controversial incidents? Every time the camera is pointed at him he has his head down looking at his coat in bewilderment, like it is the first time he has ever seen a zip and he is unsure what to do with this newly discovered technological marvel.

This season even saw the kit manufacturers give him a new coat, but still the zip beats him. Perhaps now is the time to try buttons or velcro, something a bit simpler to use. Even the good old fashioned duffle coat with its toggles could be a solution and allow Arsene to concentrate on the game, instead of wondering how on earth does this zip work. Over to you Puma to save Arsenal!

Written by Tris Burke January 06 2015 20:25:51