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Football News: Why Dwell on The Liverpool FC Negatives?

Why Dwell on The Liverpool FC Negatives?

Long time follower of Liverpool FC and this Site. I'm going to be critical of some on here, so here goes.

I can understand supporters' concerns about current signing policies by our club. Clearly, there are a lot of passionate supporters giving their insights. Given the amount of grief towards editors, I really don't understand why a few supporters vent to the editors. who invest their time and effort to help inform supporters. - Why?

I also don't understand why some people just whinge and whine, what's the point? I think it's good to try to keeping things in perspective. As we all know, since the era of the Premier League, Football has become big business. Players are workers seeking a job with the best career prospects. Like you and I, they do their job for money, and they want to settle in some city with a nice lifestyle to keep their families happy.

Nowadays, this model has changed a little as some players are willing to sacrifice family lifestyle for the sake of money. I love LFC. I watch, support and let my emotions flow naturally. But at the end of the day for Fans, it's only a game. There are more important things in life.

A long time ago, after witnessing the horrible scenes at Heysel Stadium and meeting Italian fans in a state of shock, with clothes torn-off, shoes missing, barely able to talk. On the train back into Brussels, I swore I would never attend another football game. I even stopped watching for a couple of years.

Then Hillsborough tragedy happened. The aftermath of Hillsborough confirmed to me the massive divide between supporters and the governing bodies of football. But I could not stop watching or supporting Liverpool. Flying in, Paying VIP prices, eating those awful buffets, buying the odd new shirt when I can afford it.

But no matter what, how good or bad, I will support whoever the manager puts on the pitch. I will wish each player well. Hope those without the raw talent will still put in 100% effort on the pitch. To me, this is what a supporter is. Every little bit of individual support adds up to a huge amount.

But for those who wish to dwell on the negatives, here is a little 'tongue in cheek' poem to cheer you up (based on W. H. Auden; Stop All the Clocks).

Stop All the Klopps:

Stop all the clocks, switch off the mobile phone,
Prevent the Kop from singing, "You'll Never Walk Alone",
Silence the terrace chants and with muffled drum,
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle Anfield huming overhead,
Scribbling on the sky that Liverpool Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the necks of Liver Birds,
Gather all the Stewards for the last supporter herds.

Liverpool was my north, my south, my east and west,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, and my song,
I thought that Liverpool would last for ever;
I was wrong.

The players are not wanted now; sell them, every one,
Pack up, dismantle Anfield, there'll be no more fun,
Pour away the Champagne, outlaw parades through the City,
Cus our signing business is faulty and defense is still not looking pretty!

Hope the sense of humour is still around here.

Written by Zephi August 11 2023 19:10:05


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